Friday, October 26, 2012

Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard

Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard

They're here! The Sanguinary Guard is the #1 reason that I chose to start a Blood Angels army. After being scared to paint them, because I didn't trust my painting abilities, here they are. Classic paint style, only real difference would be that I gave them the gold top on the wings. My first figures with some creativity on the bases; I went with a red brick look. More pictures ahead!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blood Angels Assault Squad

Blood Angels Assault Squad paint

Here come the assault marines, the grunts of my Blood Angels army. I have painted about ten of these guys so far, but only took pictures of the last five because the first five were a disaster. Oddly enough, my assault marines have been the only red in my Blood Angels so far. This needs to change, because red is a great color to paint with. More pictures ahead..

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sword Art Online Season 1

Sword Art Online world

I know Sword Art Online is not the first anime to take place in an MMO, but its the first one I have watched. I have loved MMO's since my days back in Ultima Online, and to have an anime which takes place in that universe is perfect for me. SAO has had my interest from the beginning, and with season one over, it never disappointed. 

Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost

Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost paint

Warhammer pics! I have been wanting to take some pictures of my latest miniatures for a long while, but never got around to it. Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost, is the guy that will be escorting my Death Company. I always liked this miniature, and was very intimidated about painting him, because it meant a lot to me that he came out looking good. More pictures if you... 

My DayZ Experience

I began trying to write a short story based on my experience in DayZ, but was having a tough time putting something down that sat well with me. Because I was determined to make that post, and never was able to, I have not posted in a while. I figure I can scrap that Idea and just make due with a review.