Saturday, May 5, 2012

Death Company Jump Pack Squad

Blood Angels Death Company Jump Pack Squad

The Death Company were a large part of why I picked the blood angels as my first Warhammer 40k army. The black armor with red accents is one of my favorite color combinations out there, and they have some awesome fluff behind them. The tragic tale of warriors who know they are about to fight their last battle, and have no greater desire than to die in a sea of blood and a flurry of gunfire.

These guys have been the most fun to paint so far, and painting black is easy! I mixed a little blue into the black on a few of them so that the black low-lights would show up for some more depth. Not sure if its really noticeable, but the hammer guy has straight black armor, so use him as a comparison. These guys were part of a lot I bought on e-bay, and the hammer guy was partially painted already, so I cant take credit for that piece as a whole. (sadly he is my favorite model)

Death Company thunder hammer jump packDeath Company thunder hammer jump pack

This is also my first shoot using the white box I made using this Tutorial, I'm surprised with the results. Using the Cannon Rebel, all I had to do was point and shoot in close up mode and it looks good. My only complaint is that it seems to make some of my painting mistakes stand out. I thought these guys looked awesome when looking at them with the naked eye, but the camera made me realize that I still have a ways to go. I'm happy with how the power weapon came out, I painted it the same as my Sanguinary Priest's only in sword form this time. Power weapons are my favorite thing to paint, I would give them to every model if I could. 

I'm just noticing now, that I will have to either buy new bulbs or mess with the cameras white balance, the background on these is not as white as I would like it. Hope to have that fixed for my shoot of Lemartes. whenever I do play Warhammer 40k, I hope these guys and Lemartes do some serious damage.



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